Stress eating is consuming food in response to your feelings and not because you’re hungry. It is also called emotional eating. How can you know if you’re a stress eater?
Here are some questions you can answer. If you’ve answered yes then probably you’re a stress eater.
- Do you eat more when you’re feeling stressed?
- Do you eat when you’re not hungry or when you’re full?
- Do you eat to feel better (to calm & soothe yourself when you’re sad, mad, bored, anxious, etc.)?
- Do you reward yourself with food?
- Do you regularly eat until you’ve stuffed yourself?
How can you avoid it?
Do an activity you enjoy: dance workout such as Feel it, go for a jog or a run, paint something colorful or listen to your favorite music
Try to eat some healthy recipes: eat food rich in omega-3 such as dark chocolate, salmon salad, avocado smoothie and in magnesium such as bananas and spinach omelette
Drink lots of water and try not to skip meals